Drug dealers and software developers compared.

Drug Dealers  Software Developers
Refer to their clients as "users". Refer to their clients as "users".
"The first one's free!"  "Download a free trial version..."
Have important Asian connections. Have important Asian connections.
Strange jargon:
"Hit (LSD)"
"The Pigs"
Strange jargon:
"Hit (WWW)"
Realise that there's tons
of cash in the 14- to
25-year-old market.
Realise that there's tons
of cash in the 14- to
25-year-old market.
Clients really like your
stuff when it works.
When it doesn't work
they want to kill you.
Clients really like your
stuff when it works.
When it doesn't work
they want to kill you.
Job is assisted by the
industry's producing
newer, more potent
Job is assisted by the
industry's producing
newer, more potent
Often seen in the company
of pimps, hustlers and
Often seen in the company of
marketing people, venture
capitalists and fund managers.
When things go wrong, a
"fix" is just a phone call
away, but may be expensive.
When things go wrong, a
"fix" is just a phone call
away, but may be expensive.
A lot of people are getting
rich while still teenagers.
A lot of people are getting
rich while still teenagers.
Product causes unhealthy
DOOM, Quake, SimCity,
Duke Nukem 3D...
Do your job well and
you can sleep with
sexy movie stars who
depend on you.
Damn! DAMN!!!

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